Project Info

  • Created By Hansel Reynoso
  • Client Hansel Reynoso
  • Date 01/12/2023
  • Technologies Used React, CSS, HTML, NODE, EXPRESS, ANTD, mongodb, mongoose, HEROKU & AXIOS, API

Project Description

This is a Full Stack Website that was created from the ground up. Node.js and Express.js were used for the backend, which was then hosted on HEROKU. For the frontend, I utilized React and ANTD and hosted it on Netlify. Mongoldb Atlas is where the databases are kept. The website uses an API from Udemy to list various courses based on my recommendations, and it includes a fully functional blog. Users can register an account and wait for approval before posting on the blog. Drag and drop, uploading photographs, using emojis, and other capabilities are available. Please provide any feedback.

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